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SAIPA is excited to be APSO's premier business partner in developing future-ready accredited professionals who ethically create client value.

We recently attended an in-person Professional Body Forum hosted by SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) in Muldersdrift. At this event, Zanele Njapha 'The Unlearning Lady' spoke about aspects of unlearning within our professional spheres and lives. A nugget from her presentation was 'Look and Look Again'. This implies that when you look at a person or object, it is easy to form an opinion based on your assumptions but this is outside of the facts and stories behind that person. Hence, how can we unlearn some beliefs and assumptions to grow new neural paths which aid us in growth and success?    

In response to that we decided to take a look at and discuss some key unlearning principles that can be used to build gainful company cultures within organizational change.
Unlearning plays a crucial role in building company cultures that support organizational change. By encouraging employees to let go of outdated beliefs and assumptions, organizations can foster a more adaptable, innovative, and inclusive work environment. Here are some specific ways unlearning can be used to build company cultures within organizational change:

  1. Identifying and Addressing Underlying Issues: Unlearning can help organizations identify and address underlying issues that may be hindering change. By examining past practices and assumptions, organizations can pinpoint areas where change is necessary and develop effective strategies for moving forward.

  2. Encouraging Open Communication and Feedback: Unlearning promotes open communication and feedback, creating a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment. This open dialogue facilitates collaboration, innovation, and a willingness to embrace new approaches.

  3. Promoting Psychological Safety: Unlearning fosters a culture of psychological safety, where employees feel safe to take risks, experiment, and learn from mistakes. This sense of security encourages innovation and adaptability, enabling organizations to navigate change effectively.

  4. Building a Growth Mindset: Unlearning cultivates a growth mindset, encouraging employees to believe that their abilities can be developed through effort and learning. This mindset empowers individuals to embrace challenges, adapt to change, and continuously improve their skills.

  5. Celebrating Successes and Learning from Failures: Unlearning encourages organizations to celebrate successes while also learning from failures. This approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where setbacks are seen as opportunities for growth and adaptation.

  6. Fostering Diversity and Inclusion: Unlearning promotes diversity and inclusion by encouraging employees to challenge their own biases and assumptions. This creates a more inclusive workplace where diverse perspectives are valued and considered, leading to better decision-making and innovation.

  7. Empowering Employees to Drive Change: Unlearning empowers employees to take ownership of their learning and development, encouraging them to seek out new information and actively participate in change initiatives. This active engagement fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to organizational transformation.

  8. Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning: Unlearning integrates continuous learning into the company culture, encouraging employees to embrace lifelong learning and adapt to the ever-changing business landscape. This commitment to continuous learning ensures that the organization remains agile and responsive in the face of new challenges and opportunities.

By incorporating unlearning principles into their organizational culture, companies can create an environment that supports effective change, fosters innovation, and drives long-term success.

For individuals, unlearning is a crucial process for personal and professional growth. It involves letting go of outdated beliefs, assumptions, and habits that may be hindering our progress. While it can be challenging, unlearning is essential for adaptability and innovation in a rapidly changing world.

Here are some key unlearning principles:

  1. Embrace Curiosity and Openness: Approach new information and experiences with a curious and open mind. Be willing to challenge your own assumptions and perspectives.

  2. Recognize and Confront Limiting Beliefs: Identify beliefs that are holding you back. Acknowledge that these beliefs may not be accurate or relevant anymore.

  3. Seek Diverse Perspectives: Actively seek out information and opinions from people with different backgrounds and experiences. Engage in meaningful conversations with others.

  4. Practice Reflective Thinking: Regularly reflect on your thoughts, actions, and experiences. Identify patterns and areas where you may need to make adjustments.

  5. Experiment and Learn from Mistakes: Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities rather than failures.

  6. Embrace Discomfort: Unlearning can be uncomfortable as it challenges your existing worldview. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone for personal growth.

  7. Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage your growth and willingness to unlearn.

  8. Continuous Process: Unlearning is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Be committed to continuous learning and personal development.

Remember, unlearning is not about erasing your past knowledge or experiences. Instead, it's about making room for new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking. By embracing unlearning, you empower yourself to adapt, grow, and thrive in a dynamic world. As The Unlearning Lady put it, "...kind of like a cup that is full and overflowing, it does not have room to receive more. It is always spilling nothing new. So rather aim for a cup half full because you have room for more after you have drank from it (learn to unlearn to learn anew."

Here is our nugget; always check our training calendar for new learnings :)  

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